Determining Marital Dissolutions Duration with Fuzzy Inference Systems


  • Alberto Guillen
  • Federico Montesino
  • Carlos Tovar
  • Luis-Javier Herrera
  • Hector Pomares
  • Angel Barriga
  • Jose Guillen
  • Ignacio Rojas


This paper tackles the problem of predicting how long a martial dissolution process will last. As previous studies in the sociological and sanitary areas show, these types of separations can damage the health and economy of the people involved in the process. Furthermore, the administration overload due to these dissolutions can make the separation process last even longer, causing a deeper trauma. Therefore, it is useful to have a model that is able to predict the duration in order to prevent mental illness and to assign administration resources to speed up the paperwork. The model employed in this paper after performing a dimensionality reduction is a Fuzzy Inference System with a fuzzy-possibilistic algorithm to obtain the values of its parameters.


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